Binary Animation

Animate every combination of segments in a 7-segment LCD digital numeric display. Each segment can be on (1) or off (0), creating 128 possible combinations of off + on. Each combination is represented by a base 2 number, i.e., 000 0000 to 111 1111.
List the numbers 0 to 127 (in base 2) to create a “display list” to drive the animation.

Numerals Animation

Then create a second animation displaying the segmented numerals from 0 to 9. For this, you will need to create a second display list (with only 10 lines).

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截屏2021-02-07 下午3.43.46.png


In Figma, draw a 7-segment grid for numerals.
Each segment should be a filled polygon shape (not a line and not a rectangle).
Save the file in SVG format.

截屏2021-02-07 下午3.46.19.png


Use a tool ( to transfer path to polygon, since the Figma output file is all path.

截屏2021-02-07 下午4.07.43.png


Copy and paste SVG code to HTML file (download form professor), and revise. The meaning of this code is shown below.

截屏2021-02-07 下午4.39.52.png
截屏2021-02-07 下午4.15.43.png


Create 128 possibilities with function written in Javascript. (Code sponser by Zheng Li)

截屏2021-02-07 下午6.28.03.png


Create 0-9 binary representation.


Reading 2


Reading 3